Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Discussion Rules and Grading

Part of your grade in this class is based on your participation in class discussions. How should I determine this grade? How should we quantify meaningful participation?


  1. We can quantify meaningful participation if a student raises his or her hand, doesn't talk over others, and implies their perception often.

  2. Join in to the class disscussions, speak with good lanuage

    -jordan King

  3. meaningful participation should be counted if a student is cooperating with the class rules shows interest and gets in on a group discussion most of the time...

    ciara dangerfield.

  4. I think we should do all work even if we dont come every day if we still do are work we still should get our grade and we should get some xtra credit. and we should atleast talk three time when we have big groups and we should respect first and formost - Tyron Brinson

  5. we could also be graded on the language we use, such as no swearing.

  6. I think that we should get more points the more you talk and participate.\Isaac

  7. i think you should determen this on how well we stay on task show up for class and do the work given to us ithink we should also need to post a blog a minamum of 1 a week to reflect on the past week

    -Clarence Eidem

  8. i think if the students do all the work and not act like children we should get a passing grade

    dj huie

  9. Meaningful participation should be based on your effort you put into the discussion. I feel the more input you the better grade you get. Things students say should obviously thought about.
    -Eric Howard

  10. Respecting others, joining in the conversations an having good eye contact


  11. I think you should grade us on eye contact , and also how clearly and loud we speak .
    And Also Meaningful comments .

    - jacqueline

  12. I Think We Should All Participate And Respect Eachothers Thoughts. Have Good Eye Contact And Communicate Well !

    --Bianca Wallace .

  13. take away points for not talking. reward good discussion

  14. i think that you should grade us on how much we talk..

  15. I think you should grade us by sharing our ideas and participating in group discussions.


  16. You should grade us on how much we talk and take away points if we dont particpate

    -Hassan Ismail

  17. credit us by the amount that we talk and how much we participate in class.

    -Jesse Strickland

  18. You should grade us on how loud and clear we speak, also on how we give examples and explian things.

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  20. Alejandro DomingoMay 25, 2010 at 1:54 PM

    I Think You should grade us in how we work and How Much Disscussions we participate

  21. i think we should get graded on participation ryan

  22. participation should be graded in a general way.
    As in group disscusion and individual reponses to the teachers question.

    Greg Hill

  23. You Should Just Do What Works For Us Students. Maybe It'll Work, Maybe It Wont. But The Best Thing To Do Is Focus On Whose Participating. Let Those Who Dont Want To Participate Do Whatever.... They Have A Choice So Yeah.....

  24. Oh! Okay iSee. I think our participation is very important to grade because we need to at least get graded for doing something in the class b/cuz we dont even get homework fo christ sakes.

  25. We should qualify meaningul participation by being graded on just participating in discussions . It shouldn't matter how much we talk because that should refelct on us and how much we care about our grade !

    - ray0nna;

  26. Well if a person doesn't participate in a class discussion then they don't deserve any points for class. And for those who do participate then they are rewarded participation points. Another way we should be graded is by respect during discussions and take away points for horseplay or side chatting.

  27. nolandra valentineMay 25, 2010 at 2:01 PM

    i think you should grade us on the way we answer the question because some people aren't serious when they spek they just speak beacause they think they will get thier points for saying anything.

  28. Fidel Trower-KellyMay 25, 2010 at 2:02 PM

    It is quite hard to judge participation in a class, especially considering how quiet some people could be. However I think it might work best if we let some people who are not into the whole disscussion based part of class might have some kind of writing alternative and I believe that the people who are heavy into disscussions would be participating in that aspect of the class.

  29. If you didn't put your name on your comment, please do so or I can't give you credit. Part of your grade is based on participation, but I agree with Nolandra that if I give more points for talking more, some people might just say stuff for points! I want you to have thoughtful responses to the topics and discussions. So how can I fairly judge what comments show effort and what comments don't?

  30. Participating By Sharing Our Thoughts , Taking Notes On The Scenes That Mostlty Stand Out .
    -Bianca Wallace

  31. good participation i think is when the students pay attention do the class work get into the discussions

    DJ huie

  32. Comments that show effort are ones that another could reply too, agree or disagree too. Comments that don't are ones you can do none of the above w/.

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  34. Students should be graded on classroom behavior, group participation, and how much they contribute to the class discussions.
    -Jamie Johnson

  35. i Think good participation is Showing That You actually knoe What it is That You Should Be Doing , Also i Think Sharing Work With Others and Putting ides together Should Be Graded As Well .

    - Jacqueline o .

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  37. coments that are well thought out school apropit and on topic are good responses so look for the students thimking befor thay make there coment but if it takes them the entier discushon to think of one coment there not vary in to the discoshon

    Clarence Eidem

  38. i think that if you bring subjects that are not relevant during a class discussion you should get points taken away. if you bring good discussion topics up, you should be rewarded with extra points.

    -Rodney Serrano

  39. teaira chelly:
    i think during class students should pay more attention because its benifits thereself and points should be tooken away towards the end of the day if they didnt do anything on for the assignment, if u have good listening skills i think u should have extra points..

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  41. Comments That Ask Questions Are Easier To Reply To , i Think People Should Ask Questions in Comments .

    - Jacqueline

  42. teaira chelly- i think we should pay more attention and be apart of the group dicussions

  43. i think that we should have certin piots a day a have pionts taken off during the class for not partipating goofing off and so on .

  44. Whenever we having a class dicussion everyone should at least say something and wohever dosen't say anything then to bad for them they wont get any points for participation!!!

    ~Ruby Soto~
